The blog, “Roaring With The Wind”, emerges from a blossomed field of influential matters. It is derived from expressing topics that change direction like that of the nature of wind. They derive from inspiring words from God, inspiration in general, animals, nature, talent, hobbies, and interests. Roaring is another way of expressing feelings or subject matter in an interesting and sometimes exciting way. Therefore, a post in this blog is considered as a ROAR. Learn more about Roaring With The Wind with the following information on the various topics within the blog.


  • The Inspiration section derives mostly from quotes, verses, and food for thought that may be inspirational or beneficial to others in their own way. Sometimes we may be in a situation where we need a good ole’ fashion pick-me-up to start the day.
  • The Recipe section derives mostly from homemade recipes that were either tweaked from foundational recipes or from a variety of ingredients put together to create family recipes to fit our lifestyle and/or taste buds.
  • The Poetry section derives mostly from inspirations of everyday true-life emotions/events that range in various concepts portrayed into an expressible form that many may relate to or be inspired by. “World Of Inspirations” is the anthology to my work over many years.
  • The Fitness section derives mostly from workouts and habits that were either tweaked from foundational formats or from a variety of real-life experiences. They were put together to create workouts and habits to fit our lifestyle and may help others along the way.
  • The ROARS section derives mostly from ALL ROARS within the blog both (Uncategorized) and (Categorized). It is completely random like the air molecules moving in the space around us.


The goal of this blog is to share my experiences, talents, and abilities with everyone. It is to hopefully make someone’s life easier or better and maybe entertain others with my experiences.

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