An Indestructible Government

An Indestructible Government Post Feature Picture

The last several years have been, without a doubt, a wild ride for many of us, whether it was a pandemic and the consequences of it, civil unrest ravaging our livelihoods, the insane ‘political unrest’ we witnessed, wars raging across the globe, or the unforeseen natural disasters.

World governments make a plethora of promises on various issues. They usually have an agenda on how to handle such things. Several people have loads of stress and anxiety of whom to choose to lead their country and not know precisely the outcomes of their decision. As decisions are made and another year begins, it seems all of those events and feelings are still in the air roaming around. We can only wonder at times “Can Stress Be Tamed?“.

Questions To Ponder Over

Despite what a political party or representative has to offer, we as imperfect humans will never completely be able to solve all trials and tribulations. In fact, several people recite the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ which includes a kingdom without realizing what it really means.

Matthew 6: 9-13 “...Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in Heaven, also on Earth...”. 

God’s Kingdom is a type of government and it’s on the horizon. It will absolutely hold ALL promises that God has made and will fix ALL issues.

Daniel 2: 44 “...God of Heaven will setup a kingdom that will never be destroyed...It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”. 

Does the emergence of a kingdom/government that will never disappear seem plausible to you? There will never have to be differences of whom to rule certain parts of the world. There will be ONE Kingdom and ONE supreme ruler. Jehovah God will be the creator of this ‘Indestructible Government’ and have His son, Jesus Christ, rule as King. There’s no doubt that they will deliver ALL promises stated in the Bible and we will live for eternity under that rulership. How do we enter this said Kingdom?

Isaiah 48: 17-18 “...I, Jehovah, am your God,… The One guiding you in the way you should walk. If only you would pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river...”. 

If we just put our full trust and faith in God instead of some political leader then we can be guided towards a peaceful and righteous Utopian life where ALL problems WILL be solved. Despite what governments promise to us, we can be sure of what God promises us under his kingdom rule.

While many political leaders may have good intentions, no one can deliver a promise like God. “What Does The Future Hold” based on the many promises from God?

Revelation 21: 3-4 “...And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”. 


If an everlasting kingdom that solves all of life’s issues we face today is a government you want to be put into place and rule, then place Jehovah and Jesus on your next ballot in life and cast your vote for them to enter your heart and lead you into everlasting life. If you ever feel lost or need a nudge in the right direction, just remember that “The Bible Is A GPS” and it will guide you to everlasting life.

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