Can Stress Be Tamed

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The world is currently in a state of uncertainty with a plethora of issues. Several of these issues may cause us stress. What is stress? Is stress good or bad? How do we deal with stress? Can stress be tamed? Let’s examine a little further to find quick answers to those questions.

In a nutshell, stress is your body’s response to a demanding situation. It’s basically your personal, internal motion censored alarm alerting you that something is happening and it requires your attention. It can increase your heart rate, tense your muscles, and may even make you feel anxious. Stress can be good and bad. It could help you to react to situations swiftly and appropriately due to being on “high alert”. However, prolonged stress could damage your physical, emotional, mental, and even at times your spiritual health which could result in unhealthy and inappropriate behavior. While there are a plethora of effects from stress of both good and bad, how we deal with stress can make a huge difference. The Bible can help us by pointing us in the right direction to solve the mystery as whether stress can be tamed or not.

As stress builds, anxiety can build and take ahold of our lives. We have to acknowledge that some stress is inevitable, and things may not go in our favor.

Matthew 6:34 “...never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties...”. 

We should follow the advice from the scripture and tackle our anxieties one at a time instead of dealing with everything at once to the best of our ability.

1 Corinthians 14:40 “...let all things take place decently and by arrangement.”. 

Try to create a list of things that may be causing you stress and create a practical action plan to tackle each of them one at a time. Be proactive at correcting any issue that may be causing you stress and don’t procrastinate. Procrastination of such stressors will only make the situation at hand worse over a prolonged period of time. It could even possibly affect others around you.

Philippians 1:10 “...make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others...”.

It’s okay to rest and take a short break and breathe if completing your list of tasks becomes overwhelming.


Ecclesiastes 4:6 “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hardwork...”. 

When you find yourself in doubt as to whether things can get better, remember to rely on God for help and guidance.

1 Peter 5:7 “...throw all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”.

No matter the amount of stress we may be enduring, we may all wonder if a stress-free life is possible. The Bible states that we will endure hard, stressful times before Jesus Christ takes full control of the earth as King of God’s Kingdom.

2 Timothy 3:1-7 “But know this, that in the last days, critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,...”. 

It continues to name some of the issues that we will be dealing with; which in turn, could cause us stress.

Daniel 2:44 “...the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever,”. 

When Jesus Christ takes full control of the earth, that is how strong this new world kingdom is going to be, ‘Indestructible’.


Jesus healed those who were sick with various issues.

Matthew 4:24 “...and they brought him all those who were suffering with various diseases and torments, those who were demon-possessed and epileptic and paralyzed, and he cured them.

We can be assured He will do it again and the promise that God gave us of a wonderful life without any issues will be fulfilled. This promise can be found in the following scripture.

Revelation 21:4 “And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning not outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”.  

It’s at this point when you realize the answer to the question “Can Stress Be Tamed?” is an undoubted “Yes“.

Stay positive, have faith, be faithful to God and rely on Him. Never give up despite our stressful situations we may be enduring.

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