If The Whole World Was Blind

If The Whole World Was Blind Post Feature Picture

If the whole world was blind, how many people would you inspire? How many would you impress through your actions? How many lives would you positively influence?

In today’s world, we (as a whole) have become beyond dependent on our sense of sight. Our sense of sight blinds us from looking at the values, personality, thoughts, and the heart of one another.

  • We strive to get as many likes on social media as possible.
  • We strive for popularity regardless of what it takes.
  • We strive to be richer and more famous than others regardless of the consequences.
  • We strive to be someone else other than who we truly are.
  • We strive to complete actions by blindsighting the values, personality, thoughts, and the heart of another by using stereotypes towards hatred and disgust.

Have you ever wondered why we do these things?

  • Is it because we lack self confidence in ourselves?
  • Do we want / need the approval of others and therefore jeopardize the self dignity and moral values of ourselves?
  • Do we need to fulfill our own self ego need?
  • Do we feel superior among everyone else because of our corrupted mind influenced by others?

Instead of setting a good example towards others and being a positive influencer, we tend to rely on our own selfish gain and focus on wrong things. Such actions and others causes us to lose ourselves and we tend to focus on how others view us. We (as humans) need to stop being haughty and selfish. We need to start being humble and love one another.

Acts of kindness go much further and have deeper impacts than the approval of the eyes.

If the whole world was blind, we wouldn’t have the sense of sight to guide towards a focus point that the approval of the eyes would lead us to. We wouldn’t have the sense of color that is used towards hatred of one another. We wouldn’t have the jealousy of others due to seeing success and accomplishments they may have acquired.

While seeing actions is helpful, sometimes it can be hurtful. We need to know and understand the actions of others for the true purpose of their values, personality, thoughts, and their heart. Sure, even that can be hurtful, but we would not be led by sight.

Rule of Thumb:

2 Corinthians 5:7 states “ for we are walking by faith, not by sight.


God sees and knows all. Don’t worry about what others think of you. Just worry about what God thinks. Set a good example for others to follow by showing love towards others. Don’t aim at satisfying your own selfish gain at the expense of others. Show the same love that Jesus portrayed and the same love that Jehovah has gifted all of us.

Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you want others do unto you. The Bible substantiates treating others in a loving matter at Matthew 7:12, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27, and etc.

Matthew 7:12All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them. ...
Mark 12:31The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself’. ...
Luke 10:27In answer he said: “’You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself’”. 

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