One Track Minded

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Humans have evolved through appearance and intelligence since the beginning of human history. Our intelligence, willingness to move forward, and the ability to achieve greatness in various aspects of life has allowed us to thrive in this world.

We learn trades, skills, everyday practices, and absorb knowledge through many forms of learning. We learn by word of mouth, reading, touch, smell, trial and error, etc. Having hobbies and knowledge of various subjects is what everyone should have. Unfortunately, many are one-track minded. Being such a person can limit yourself to grow as a person, to understand the world around us, and to understand the reasons for our growth and behavior.

No one needs to be a “professional” at a subject to know details and facts about the subject. The word “professional” has been used loosely in today’s society. People have become weaker in the mind by not allowing themselves to think outside the box. “Professional” just means you specialize in knowledge for a specific area of expertise and usually stay within those parameters. Our species has flourished with the knowledge we share with each other and the willingness to think outside the box. There are learning disabilities that some may have acquired (some by no fault of their own); however, there are the vast majority that have the capabilities but refuse to get out of their comfort zone.

One-track minded people in certain subjects or facts, should push themselves to think outside the box. They should become more educated instead of making those fortunate people to feel like they should ‘dumb themselves down’ to fit into their world. The flip side of that argument is ‘why do we need to push ourselves outside of the box to fit into their world?’. By refusing to learn anything new, many people become more judgmental and stubborn to adapt to the ways of life that could bring more insurmountable amount of joy in life.

What To Do:

We are a species that has been placed on Earth to share life with each other loaded with talents and knowledge at our fingertips. God has given us the awe-inspiring gift to love one another, the ability to think for ourselves, the ability to learn new aspects of life, and the opportunity to live forever if we choose to live and think by his moral standards. With everything discussed thus far, what should we do now? First, we need to start embracing and learning from each other. Then, we need to unite as the humans we are and start encouraging each other to succeed and push forward. Lastly, but not least, we need to start thinking in a non-one-track minded way and learn new details, facts, talents, hobbies, etc.

Food For Thought Scenario:

What if you were born aboard the International Space Station. For 50 years, you lived in space looking back at the Earth. Often times, you are wondering of what it’s actually like to live on the planet. You only know of things in space and how to live and maneuver in it. You are a bonafide, space bred, “professional” space walker. However, in space you are very limited to what you can do and where to go in that Space Station. After all, it’s only so big. What if one day, you got an e-message from Earth inviting you to visit Earth and learn all about it. Would you take the invitation and learn what else life has to offer or would you stay in your comfort zone and stay put in that tiny Space Station and never know anything more than anti-gravity life?

Rule of Thumb:

People around the world are different and we can all learn from each other.

“Take a moment to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

  • Take the time to learn and think of alternative viewpoints.
  • Understand why someone acts or thinks the way they do.
  • Stop being judgmental towards others.
  • Have a deeper understanding, respect, and love for one another.

Own Words:

It’s been a blessing to have the education that I have received and continue to receive. I always continue to educate myself on subjects or facts that I may not know. I don’t limit myself to certain areas of life in the knowledgeable world. I am knowledgeable in many areas and have several talents and hobbies. To be asked a question and then get hammered directly afterwards by saying “you’re not a professional, why am I bothering myself of asking you” is not only insulting to my knowledge and rude, but it also portrays the thought that people must be in your world as a one-track minded person and be less educated about a topic; however, the same ‘could’ be said on the flip side. If you become more educated and branch yourself outwards, you will then have a deeper understanding and respect for everyone. In the case I don’t share any talents or hobbies, does not mean I am not capable of them.


Let’s ALL Lift & Build Each Other Up and STOP Tearing Each Other Down!!!
If anyone choses to be one-track minded, then do so for the right reasons such as being spiritually grounded and follow Bible principles and guidelines.

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