Pain Today Strength Tomorrow

Pain Today Strength Tomorrow Post Feature Picture

The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.”

Author Unknown

Most people have probably heard of a motto that goes similar to this: “No Pain, No Gain”. In a sense, both of these quotes go hand-in-hand.

You won’t build muscle or tone your body by doing no exercise. We have to suffer through the pain of the exercise (Physically and Mentally) to achieve our physical and mental goals.

For most of us, we work hard to get to the point in life we are at. We suffer from anxiety and grief for a plethora of reasons: from the loss of a loved one, a breakup in a relationship, a financial hardship, loss of a job, hardship to keep basic necessities in our life, etc. We may suffer from anxiety of obtaining our personal goals in life or to complete daily tasks.

Going through trials and tribulations in life isn’t always a bad thing. Sure, in the moment of those trials, it seems downright unbearable; however, it only makes you stronger in the long run.


  • You lose your job due to an unforeseen event. You have no idea how to take care of your responsibilities at that moment. At the time of being let go, you have mixed feelings rushing through your brain (anxiety, sadness, anger, or maybe happiness). You collect unemployment and try to find a new job. Most jobs want experience already on record, including the entry level roles. Finally, a new job becomes available. You accept the job and then you can relax knowing that your responsibilities are covered. The pain that you had to go through during that moment not only opened a new door to another job, but it opened a new outlook on how you can handle certain situations.
  • A toddler is trying to learn how to walk. At the beginning, they fall A LOT. They begin to cry because they either hurt their rear-end from the fall, their self esteem had been crushed because they thought they had it under control, or maybe they’re just throwing a tantrum. Eventually, after several attempts to walk, they are empowered with the ability to overcome their struggle and able to walk on their own. The struggle and pain they endured allowed them to be independent to walk on their own.

The pain we may feel in a difficult situation can lead us to better understanding of how to handle them. Maybe even bring our walls up a little more to not allow things to bother us as much. Everyone has a unique situation and the examples above are only a few of a plethora of examples that can be told.


We are imperfect humans. There is always room in our lives to improve ourselves. We need to learn from our actions and possibly our mistakes. If we learn from our mistakes and change them for the better, we become better and stronger. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, then those actions will keep lingering the pain we feel. You need to overcome those actions/mistakes and start making a change in our hearts and mind so we can enjoy the strength tomorrow.

Whatever pain you are going through today will only make you stronger and better in the future.

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