Relax Breathe Worry Less

Relax Breathe Worry Less Post Feature Picture
Matthew 6:34 “So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties.  Each day has enough of its own troubles.

Stress and anxiety trample our lives nearly every day. Some people handle it very well that it appears on the façade that they have none to deal with. While others don’t handle it well and it becomes obvious they are struggling.

Some people follow a motto that goes similar to this: “Take one day at a time”.

At times, we have so many responsibilities that we tend to get anxious as to when or how we can accomplish all of our tasks. We tend to look ahead and worry about every outcome and it weighs upon our shoulders. When tasks and responsibilities get to the point where you feel like you’ve been tied to an anchor and its sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor and you can not escape the sheer strength of gravity and the weight of the anchor, then stop what you are doing momentarily.

Stop, Take Deep Breaths, Relax, and Refocus.

That motto, “Take one day at a time”, can literally save you from going insane or feeling overwhelmed. It can even mean “Take one step at a time”. If you have multiple tasks in one day, stop and reorganize. Organize your tasks from what’s more important to least important. Organize your tasks from less completion time to more completion time. Or just find a balance of what’s more important and less completion time.

If you ever feel anxious about anything, just remember to stop, breathe, relax, refocus, gather your thoughts, and attack with baby steps.

Take care of what’s most important TODAY and worry about TOMORROW when you wake up with the morning light.

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