Strive Towards A Healthier Life

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Everyday we are faced with the fact that negativity surrounds us and tries to consume our entire lives. It can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Theses negativities include but not limited to: crime, hatred, lawlessness, health problems, war, violence, death, etc. Do These events hinder our motive to strive towards a healthier life?

As we transition from one year into another, many people may have resolutions with the hope to have a better year ahead than the one left behind. For many, having better health is on their agenda; however, over the past several years, illnesses (Including a global pandemic) have ramped up and ravaged the world. It has affected each of us in some way, shape, or form and in many cases taking people’s lives. We may wonder “How can we protect ourselves from any illness/disease that may embark upon us?”. While the Bible may not be a medical textbook, it does contain principles that coincides with medical science.

If we follow such principles to better our health, it could also help boost our physical, emotional and spiritual health. These following principles can help us to strive towards a healthier life.

Take Care Of Our Bodies

Ephesians 5:29 “for no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it,...”. 

We need to fuel our body healthier foods and drink plenty of ‘water’ to help flush toxins out of our bodies. Water helps us stay hydrated. It helps keep our body working as oil in a car engine keeps it running. We need to cherish our bodies by providing some sort of physical activity whether it’s running, jogging, walking, or even just moving your limbs slightly and some stretching. It will help energize you and keep the blood flowing throughout your body. And we need to provide our bodies with adequate sleep to help refresh, nourish, and energize our bodies. We should take these simple steps while we listen and adhere to medical advice.

Cleanse All Defilement

2 Corinthians 7:1 “…, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”. 

Such examples may include tobacco use, illegal drug use, overindulgence of alcohol, or even ingesting unhealthy foods that may be toxic to our bodies. Making plans to stop such behavior is the first step in the right direction.

Avoid scenarios, areas, or others that may pressure you into stepping off that path. Think of how your actions may affect others’ physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. If we are around someone who is trying to circumcise themselves from the behaviors and/or activities that are negatively affecting them, then we shouldn’t put them in a situation where they will be tempted by those desires. We should not cause someone else to stumble because of our selfish needs.

Let’s be loving, courteous, and humble by helping each other make better choices for a better future. If we follow these simple principles and many more, we will be on the right path towards a healthier and safer livelihood.

It may be hard and at times scary, but we must remember what the following scripture says and know that we are not alone during this time period.

Isaiah 41:10 “Do not be afraid, for I am with you ...”. 

We may seemingly have a vaccine available for COVID-19 and other illnesses, but there’s not a vaccine for every health issue. Vaccines do not guarantee a cure for an illness. However, we can be rest assured that there is such a cure on the horizon and quickly approaching. That cure will occur within the Utopian world we are promised and looking forward to. God’s Kingdom promises us an illness-free world with no pain nor death.

Revelation 21:4 “And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore ...
Psalm 103:3 “He forgives all your errors and heals all your ailments”.

Conclusion & Steps

While there may be a plethora of other scenarios and options to live a healthier lifestyle, we have to start somewhere. The first step is to recognize that you need to start somewhere towards that healthier lifestyle. The second step is to make a list of the changes that are in question. The third step is to create a plan of action that is reasonable and obtainable. Finally, follow through and watch your physical, emotional, and spiritual health improve. Stay positive, have faith, and be faithful. Rely on God, be determined, strive towards a healthier life, and never give up.

Food For Thought

Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit saps one’s strength”.

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