The Key To Family Happiness

The Key To Family Happiness Post Feature Picture

During this time period that we are living in and enduring through, there are many trials and tribulations. Sometimes those hardships may hit close to home and affect our family life. Having a happy family life is crucial, but what is the key to unlocking happiness in our family?

Since the beginning of days when Adam and Eve were created, family life, structure, and happiness was created. Adam and Eve were made to complement each other. We eventually grow and create a family of our own. Lets ask ourselves ‘How do we find the key to our family happiness’?

Mark 10:8and the two will become one flesh...”. 

When we marry our significant other, we become one flesh; therefore, we need to work as a team and help each other. When one falls, the other picks up. We need to love, cherish, and protect each other. Standing by each other and getting through any hardships together will almost always triumph over tackling it alone. As an old saying goes, “Two heads (brains) are better than one”.

Mark 10:9Therefore, what God has yoked together, let no man put apart.

No one should destroy your family or your family’s happiness. How do we safeguard against such thing? Trust, Respect, Teamwork, and most importantly ‘LOVE’ not only for each other but also love and trust God.

Ephesians 5:33Nevertheless, each one of you must love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband.”.  

So lets be kind and loving towards each other. Will there be problems that arise in the family? Yes (likely), we are imperfect and at times things may seem helpless/useless. It’s at those times that we should stop and pray for strength, courage, and wisdom to get through any obstacles throughout the day and beyond that we may face. We need the strength to get through them, the courage to want to overcome them, and the wisdom to know how to properly handle them.

When we go through any hardships together, we need to have our own personal wing-man in order for our mission to be successful. Our wing-man MUST be God. We need to always remember that God will always be there for us.

1 Peter 5:7 “...throw all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
Proverbs 3:5-6Trust in Jehovah with all your heart,...In all your ways take notice of Him, and He will make your paths straight.

If we follow basic principles that God has provided for us in the Bible and rely on Him, He can help guide us towards happiness.

After all

as the following says:

Luke 11:28happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it

and with that

we can be sure to find the key to family happiness along the road of His word. It may be a long and enduring road trip, but it will be the most astonishing and memorable road trip you’ll never forget and treasure forever. The key to your family happiness is within your grasp, you just have to be willing to accept the path and strive towards it.

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