What Is Mildness

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We all have heard the word “mildness”, but what is mildness? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of mild is ‘gentle in nature or behavior’. Mildness is a “lack of intensity”. It can be used in a variety of instances. For example, a gentle breeze, a gentle voice, or mild sauce. A person can be mild or gracious. In Greek, “Prautes/Praytes” means ‘mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness, etc.‘.

Society, in general, seemingly lacks this attribute that makes up their character. Many believe that being harsh, rude, loud, mean, rough, violent, etc. creates a strong character. They also believe that having ‘mildness of temper or of spirit’ makes you weak in character. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Those who are not mild-tempered are usually those that are unstable and easily pulled towards harshness and violence without thinking of the consequences that can ensue.


Matthew 11:28 states “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves.”.

Even though Jesus was mild-tempered, that attribute did not make him weak. In fact, He still had full power of his Father backing him. With that power He can help you keep calm and collective and handle all of your struggles.

If you struggle with mildness from a plethora of outside sources bearing down on you making it seem impossible to move forward in a mild-tempered direction, then ask for help from above. A mild-tempered person is as such because they have faith and a source of strength. Such person is not easily unbalanced or caused to lose his good sense. However; on the other side of the spectrum, a lack of mildness of temper can be the result of insecurity, frustration, lack of faith and hope, easily angered, reacts without thinking, and even desperation. This results in undue excitability, harshness, lack of self control, tunneled vision for the worse, and is constantly in altercations.

Proverbs 25:28 states “As a city broken through, without a wall, Is the man who cannot control his temper.”.

City Example

A city can be conquered by any invaders very easily if a city doesn’t fortify itself with a wall. Without that barrier to help in its defense against any harmful motivated enemies, it could be catastrophic. The same goes if a person can’t control his temper and his action. That person could be overtaken by negative impacts to their health, life, surroundings, etc. It may affect them directly or indirectly and be conquered just as a city without a fortification wall.

Mildness is a personality trait and is not inherited. This trait can be gained as a fruit of God’s spirit through accurate knowledge and application. Learning to have the proper attitude of calmness and mildness under God’s discipline can help improve our personality. It can teach us to hold our temper and keep us in the proper place at the proper time by applying the disciplines to our everyday lives.

Matthew 5:5 states “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.”.


A lack of mildness can cause some health issues such as nervousness, anxiety, uncontrollable shaking, ulcers, lack of sleep, etc. Mildness takes a lot of self-control, thoughtfulness, consideration, unselfishness, thinking of others rather than just ourselves, and humility. We are all imperfect and may not agree on every aspect that presents itself to us. Because of this, if we lack mildness then our harsh words and actions can at times lash back at us; hence, the saying ‘we reap what we sow’. A mild voice repels a harsh voice in return. Stay calm and collective during any argument that may arise.


Does all of this information mean that we should never stand up for ourselves and for what is right? No, it does not mean that; however, we should use a thoughtful approach. There’s a time and place for everything, which includes a time to be severe and reprimand accordingly just as Jesus once did when he called his religious leaders of his day “hypocrites”.

Sometimes putting your foot down on a pressing issue that is deemed incorrect or wrong is needed, but how you do so can mean the world of difference. If we were unduly harsh and turned out to be wrong, it would be difficult to retract from our statements than if we handled it in a mild-tempered way. After a harsh attack on an individual regarding an issue and you were deemed wrong, it would be hard to retreat to a state of politeness because that opportunity of dealing with the issue in a calm and dignified matter has now been burned away and there’s no real easy way of returning.

How To React

If we approach with a calm and dignified attitude, then a logical and reasonable response can be made for a firm understanding of different viewpoints and a respectful agreement can be made regardless of whether your viewpoint was right or wrong. Mildness can help someone to remain calm, think clearly, and give due regard for the truth.

Mildness is an inner, peaceful disposition. A mild person deals with others in a gentle, kind way and is able to face life’s irritations with calmness and self-control. Having this trait is a sign of inner strength not weakness. This inner strength attracts people, because if we are mild, then we do not quickly get frustrated and/or react angrily. We then become approachable regardless of how serious or controversial a topic may be. It protects us as well as those around us. We then avoid feelings of guilt that arise after we hurt someone, especially a person whom we love, because at that point we know we handled the situation in the best possible way.

Justified Or Not

Jesus was treated unjustly, misunderstood, despised, and tortured; yet, He entrusted Himself to God who judges righteously. If we get angry and try to fight a personal injustice, we could easily overreact and make things worse. Even if our anger is justified, our imperfection may lead us to react in a wrongful way. How we react and handle situations as such will always be viewed by others around. Setting an example of handling such situations in a calm, sincere way as a calm and dignified human-being can plant the seed of mildness in someone’s heart. Someone has to start the domino reaction of mildness and kindness, why not start with you.

Proverbs 17:27 states “A man of knowledge restrains his words, And a discerning man will remain calm.”.

No matter if you know for an indisputable fact that you are correct about an issue, the opposing person can be absolutely unrelenting and not absorb any rightful knowledge regardless of what or how you present that knowledge to them. They become in denial of any truth being possible because they believe what they want and no one can change their mind. Sometimes having the mildness trait allows you to stop and walk away and allow the other person to believe what they want regardless of whether it’s true or not. When they lack mildness and understanding, they refuse to listen and learn regardless of what is said or done. That lack of mildness presents them as disrespectful, ignorant, and undignified.


Therefore, having mildness can not only improve your stress and anxiety over the issues at hand, but it can also save you time and effort to use on more useful and practical issues that can improve your health and life. You can also use that valuable time to help others improve their life as well.


Stop, Think, Pray, React

Always Ask Jehovah For Guidance And Trust In Him

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