Work Less and Enjoy More

Work Less And Enjoy More Post Feature Picture
Ecclesiastes 4:6Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.

Many people try to work themselves literally to death it seems. Sure, we need to work to accrue a level of wealth to sustain our living habits; therefore, we forget sometimes to stop and think. Do we really need to work as much as we do for a particular reason? Can we stop for a bit and relax to enjoy life at times? Stress can literally damage your health and mind. Sometimes you just need to stop, reevaluate your working situation and take time off to relax and enjoy. Working a lot may have its pros but it also has its cons. It could affect you, your family, and maybe even your spirituality if you don’t keep a work/life balance.


Take time off and …

  • Go to the zoo
  • Watch a movie
  • Have a nice dinner with your loved one
  • Go for a hike / walk
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Go Fishing
  • Fly a Kite … or
  • Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the fresh air of the outdoors.

Take a moment to stop working, breathe, and do something relaxing and enjoyable. It will rejuvenate your mind and body.

Stop chasing the wind and REST.

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