Your Worth And Value

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Do you know your worth and value?

Has anyone ever told you that you are worthless? Do you feel it is because you can no longer do something that you once were able to do? Do you feel that you can no longer contribute to that particular cause because of it?

Have you ever been bullied? Did they say you were worthless out of their raw, insensitive, uncaring, rude behavior with no regards to your feelings or understanding of your unique situation?

Have you reached the age where it becomes harder for you to complete certain tasks? Do you feel looked down upon and told you have no value here?

Have you stopped doing something you love because of any number of health reasons? Do you deem yourself useless and worthless because of it?

Ever sit down and think to yourself, “Why do I continue to do ‘this’ or ‘that’?”, “What difference do I make?”, “I don’t matter.”, “Nobody understands me or my situation.”, or “I can’t do the things I once was able to do; therefore, I must be worthless.”?

What is your worth? What is your value? How do you see yourself?


If someone was to offer you a $100 bill out of the kindness of their heart with no strings attached, would you take it? Most people would say “Of course, why not?”

If they decided to spit all over it and then offered it to you, would you still take it? Some people would say “Yes, of course” while others would be cautious.

If they decided to spit all over it and crumble it up into a ball of crumbled paper, would you take it? Some people would say “Sure, why not?” while others would look dumbfounded and be cautious.

What if that person decided to spit all over it, blew their nose with it, crumbled it up, dropped on the floor and stomped on it with their dirty shoes and smeared it across the mud then dropped it in a used, unflushed toilet, would you still accept the $100 bill being offered to you? Some people would say “A little dirt won’t hurt. A little Lysol and cleaning and it’ll be fine, sure I’ll take it” while others would say “Ummm, well that was kinda messed up and disgusting” and be very cautious.

Most people would probably still take the $100 bill regardless of what that bill went through. Why? No matter if that $100 bill got spit on, crumbled and beat up, or thrown into the dirt and stomped on, it still kept its value. It’s still worth $100. We may get knocked down and beat up in life for a plethora of reasons. We may not be able to complete tasks or contribute our part in life in ways we used to because of our aging process and/or due to health reasons that we may be enduring.


Some people may try to break your spirit and say that your worth and value have no relevancy. No matter what life throws at us, we are NEVER worthless. We CONTINUE to be full of worth. We can still be valuable. Sometimes that requires a tweak in our daily routines to get us back in the game of life. Sometimes that even takes some love and patience. Not only for others, but love and patience to have the belief in our own self to continue marching forward.

If we embrace the gift of life and the imperfections that lie within, we can see that life is beautiful in awe-inspiring ways. We can always be useful in some way, shape, or form. It may take some effort and time. Stay positive and NEVER give up on yourself because you will ALWAYS BE WORTHY and FULL OF VALUE. From that moment on you will know your worth and value.

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